BL+G Tweets


Be skeptical of everything.
Make time to do the things you want to do.
And above all dig through the garbage to get to the good stuff (ask any bum).

This is BL+G: a blog dedicated to nothing, created out of boredom, and full of grammatical errors.

All comments are welcome...

Friday, October 31, 2008

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Carving session with some friends.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Dance Dance (Communist) Revolution

Everyone knows that Kim Jong-Il is the most un-intentionally hilarious person on Earth.

Now, because everyone already knows that, if you did not know that, then you've quite clearly ceased to exist. Or, you may be a pod-person, or North Korean. Anway, for those of us who are still here:

A list of his 11 wackiest moments. via

Basketball and broadcasting legend Charles Barkley gives his take on 'il Kim.

Say what you will, but for a murderous sociopath he really knows how to relax.

Awesome Story

Full article Here

For Animal Lovers + Barack Lovers alike

In the Spitit of Halloween - The Exorcist

Here's a great article about the real story that inspired the movie.

This picture has haunted me ever since I watched the original, when I was young lad.

There is such thing as the Boogie Moster!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Cool New Show on Discovery

An MIT grad an Slow Motion Photo expert team up to deliver "Time Warp".

Time Warp airs weekly at 8 pm on the Discovery Channel.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

I just threw up in my mouth...


Daily Telegraph's Article

I forgot to vote?!?!?!

Money Gruber

Came across this wonderful article courtesy of Fark.

I'm calling bullshit on this chick.

I still listen

to Ready to Die at least once a day. Even if you sit in a cubicle, words on that album are still applicable.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Aliens Attacking London

Two articles in the last two days have brought attention to an impending alien invasion of London.

Not the kind of aliens that cross the channel on rafts, but the kind that ride around in a "brown missile-shaped object" and send pink clouds into the night sky.

10/21: Near Miss at Heathrow

10/22: Pink Cloud

Elevator or Stairs?

If you were presented with the option to take the stairs or elevator what would you do?

Obviously some things need to be considered, such as:
- how many floors are we talking about
- what's the ultimate destination
- am i going up or down?


Elevators were created for convenience, so if the opportunity to be lazy presents itself I say take it.
Plus who knows who/what you'll encounter on your ride:
- your boss, a cute girl, two cute girls, your friend, farts, burps, bad BO, music, no-one...

I'm of the opinion that stairs should be taken in certain scenarios:
in case of fire, freestyle walking, skateboarding, to get to cool underground bar/nightclub, to avoid your boss, to avoid co-workers + possibly for better health...

Your Thoughts?


Calling "Bullshit!" on someone or something, post it!

Good at being lazy? How do you pull it off?

Bring your garbage to the needs to be rummaged through!